ABOUT US / People / Alumni
The SSR Alumni Association has over 100 members (alumni). It strengthens the sense of belonging to the school by forming a network with high-school students. The alumni support the Swiss School of Rome in organising cultural, artistic and sports activities and in promoting international exchanges.
President of Alumni SSR: Arabella Bertelli De Angelis
The years spent in high school with the attainment of my baccalaureate at the Swiss School in Rome were unforgettable for me, they deeply influenced me. The mix of Swissness and Italianity provided me with a solid foundation for the rest of my life that I would never want to do without
Rolf G. SchmidFormer CEO of the outdoor brand Mammut, Mature 1979 
I had the privilege of completing high school in a villa in Rome, in small classes with very motivated teachers. This experience is difficult to overcome!
Fritz ZurbrüggFormer Vice-President of the Swiss National Bank, Matura 1979 
The Swiss School is and has been a home for pupils and parents, where they could feel at ease in the heart of the pulsating and noisy city of Rome.
Filippo Leutenegger,Zurich city councilor, attended secondary school until 1964 
The Swiss School in Rome gave me the opportunity to study and grow in an international yet familiar environment, where we were taught to see our fellows as a great enrichment.
Bianca Della RoccaDoctor in specialised training in psychiatry, Matura 2014 
At the Swiss School in Rome you will not only complete your education but also find friendships for life.
Rubens BaiocchiBSc Economics student at King's College London, Matura 2021 