SUN 2025

After several months of intensive work, our efforts finally paid off and we had a wonderful and unforgettable experience in Geneva. We had the opportunity to speak in front of 500 participants speaking French and English and we can say that we succeeded very well. We also had the opportunity to explore the city of Geneva. We visited […]
Trip to Heerbrugg, 2 high school

A long and exciting first day draws to a close. During a rich breakfast, prepared together by the students from Rome and Heerbrugg, we were able to recharged our energies to face the day. The beautiful and recently renovated Kantonsschule Heerbrugg impressed many of our students. In addition to spacious classrooms, the school also houses […]
A special lesson on biodiversity

The two fourth classes of the primary school received a visit from a biologist, the mother of one of our pupils. She spoke to the pupils about soil biodiversity, an often forgotten part of our environment. The illustrative material and interactive exercises aroused the students’ interest and amazement as they deepened their knowledge. Finally, everyone […]
Fiesch 2025

Keeping tradition, this year again a large group of students from our school had the privilege of spending and students from our school had the privilege of spending an enchanted week on the slopes of Fiesch, in the heart of the canton of Valais. Every mornings were devoted to stimulating ski lessons, while the afternoons […]
Presentation of Maturity dissertations

The fifth-grade pupils presented their baccalaureate papers at Villa Massimo and, for a quarter of an hour, demonstrated the skills they had acquired by answering questions from their lecturers and co-rapporteurs. The high quality of the work was praised by the audience in attendance, consisting of family members and pupils from the third to fifth […]
Field trip to the Salvucci Farm

As part of the theme ‘Milk, dairy products and the farm’, the children from the two third-year classes of the primary school visited a farm just outside Rome. There they had the opportunity to feed the cows and even milk them themselves. Afterwards, they discovered fascinating details about cheese production and, with great pride, were […]
Still winter in the pre-kindergarten

‘Snowman, snowman, cold man, you’ve got a red nose. Black eyes, black mouth and a round belly. When the warm sunshine comes, you’ll soon be melted.’ If it doesn’t snow in Rome, then we just make up the snow. With a lot of imagination and hard work, we got into the mood for winter. Experiments, […]
Volunteer project 5 PS A

Before Christmas, class 5 A of the primary school undertook a wonderful project with the Sant’Egidio community which ended on Friday 31.1. 2025. Pupils read the book ‘The Red Package’ by Gino Alberti and reflected on the beauty of giving a gift, even a small one, such as a smile that can change a person’s […]
Winter in kindergarten

Pupils in class 4 B of the pre-school demonstrate their manual skills in many creative activities and various techniques by working on the topics ‘Tomte and the fox’ and ‘Snow and winter’.
The journey of Einar

The day of 21 January was an opportunity for the pupils of the fourth and fifth classes to get to know a special teacher, a teacher who, with great passion, succeeded in teaching children and adults to read and write, but also to love reading and writing. Maestro Alberto Manzi was convinced that it was […]