Community Project Week

In the week of 13-17 May, the entire school building of Villa Malpighi implemented the project week on the theme of ‘Community’ (primary school) and ‘Friendship’ (kindergarten). Children’s rights, kindness, gratitude and good manners were reflected upon, a dream school was designed, fun group games were played, waste disposal and violence prevention were discussed. These […]
Young and old love to join forces!

Yesterday, a very special sports lesson took place: pupils from primary school class 4 B met up with the children from Vorkindergarten B in the gymnasium.Together they played games, did gymnastic exercises and also tried out some tricks.It was a good experience for young and old that we will definitely repeat. Fiorella Capobianco und Carol […]
Field trip to the Giokificio

On Monday 6 May, classes 4A and 4C from the pre-school went on a school trip to the Giokificio adventure park. In addition to climbing, sports and play activities were offered. The whole concept was aimed at promoting self-confidence, strengthening cooperation, overcoming insecurities and confirming one’s abilities. We had a wonderful and unforgettable day together.
Healthy Nutrition

As part of the topic “Healthy eating”, a mum gave us a very special lesson today. We first learnt what we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and then planted tomato plants together. A very special experience. Thank you very much!
State Council President Stefan Kölliker from St. Gallen visits the SSR

On Thursday, 11 April 2024, the President of the Council of our patronage canton St. Gallen, Stefan Kölliker, visited us as part of his farewell tour as a member of the cantonal government. Our Director Friedrich Lingenhag and our Chairman of the Board Riccardo Coletta welcomed him to the Malpighi campus. The primary school classes […]
Exhibition Ukiyoe

In the art course, the 2nd grade pupils will intensively study Japanese art and learn the techniques of calligraphy, ink painting and watercolour. Oriental art will be combined with Western art. As an introduction to the subject, the pupils, together with their art teacher, visited the Ukiyoe exhibition in Rome with a guided tour in […]
Cultural exchange

Last week, the second high school class of the Swiss School of Rome held its traditional class exchange in Heerbrugg with the most modern high school in the entire canton, which boasts a triple gymnasium, an astronomical observatory, a science collection and large classrooms. There were many enriching experiences for our students: the walk from […]
Fiesch 2024

Once again this year, the traditional SRG SSR ski camp saw 60 middle school and high school students descend the magnificent slopes of Fiesch. Apart from the sporting aspect and the time spent between skiing, gyms and the swimming pool, this holiday allowed the boys to create beautiful moments of sharing and ‘living together’. We […]
A journey through Europe

To conclude the ‘Europe’ theme covered in the ‘Nature, Human Being and Society’ (NMG) lessons, the two primary school fourth classes took part in a very interesting trip. To prepare for this trip, each pupil, with great effort, created a portrait of the country inside a suitcase. The suitcases, containing all kinds of souvenirs, accessories […]
Music project

During the project week, pupils from the middle school participated in an interesting music workshop during which they all had the opportunity to experience recording