From the life
of the school

Trip to Heerbrugg, 2 high school
A long and exciting first day draws to a close. During a rich breakfast, prepared together by the students from Rome and Heerbrugg, we were

A special lesson on biodiversity
The two fourth classes of the primary school received a visit from a biologist, the mother of one of our pupils. She spoke to the

Fiesch 2025
Keeping tradition, this year again a large group of students from our school had the privilege of spending and students from our school had the

Presentation of Maturity dissertations
The fifth-grade pupils presented their baccalaureate papers at Villa Massimo and, for a quarter of an hour, demonstrated the skills they had acquired by answering

Field trip to the Salvucci Farm
As part of the theme ‘Milk, dairy products and the farm’, the children from the two third-year classes of the primary school visited a farm

Still winter in the pre-kindergarten
‘Snowman, snowman, cold man, you’ve got a red nose. Black eyes, black mouth and a round belly. When the warm sunshine comes, you’ll soon be

Volunteer project 5 PS A
Before Christmas, class 5 A of the primary school undertook a wonderful project with the Sant’Egidio community which ended on Friday 31.1. 2025. Pupils read

The journey of Einar
The day of 21 January was an opportunity for the pupils of the fourth and fifth classes to get to know a special teacher, a

Advent child – daily ritual
In December, every child in kindergarten class 4A becomes an Advent child. When the children arrive in the morning, one child discovers a star in

Music Project
Our minds can be a prison, but also a wonderful place to cultivate dreams, love and longings. Starting from magazines and newspapers that spread painful
Visit to Senate
On Friday 29 November 2024, the fifth grades A-B had the opportunity to visit Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate of the Republic. The theme

Visit to the Botero exhibition
Noi della classe prima liceo della Scuola Svizzera di Roma, abbiamo visitato la mostra di Botero a Roma. Grazie alla visita guidata e alla preparazione

Night of tales
Once again this year, the much-loved Swiss Storytelling Night took place at the Swiss School in Rome. Teachers and students from the high school and

Trip to the “L’Oca Bianca” farmhouse
Last Thursday, the two second classes of primary school went on a trip to the “L’Oca Bianca” farmhouse. There, they were able to actively participate

Exchange project
This year, the second class B of the primary school of the Swiss School of Rome is participating in a small exchange project with the

Art meets architecture
Art is defined comprehensively at our school. In the 2nd grammar school, a concrete and real project is currently being carried out in the field

‘Austrian Club’: a small celebration on Austrian National Day
It is now a tradition that Austrian adults and children from the Swiss School in Rome come together in October to celebrate the Austrian national

Museum Leonardo Da Vinci
At the beginning of October, the two primary school classes visited the museum dedicated to the universal genius Leonardo Da Vinci. The children found the

Sport Day
As every year, a sports day took place this week. The children tried their heads and bodies at orienteering. Among other games and a lot

Artists in Rome
As part of their art lessons, the 3rd grade class visited the exhibition ‘Women artists in Rome’ at Villa Torlonia. More than 100 works by

The SUN project returns with the new year. With enthusiasm and curiosity, our new delegations from the 3rd and 4th years of secondary school are

My Masterpiece
Today, Year 2 A and B secondary school pupils have started a project called ‘My Masterpiece’.The students are asked to create a real work of

Maturity Celebration
The traditional Maturity Celebration took place on Friday 24 May 2024. Once again this year, the premises of the German Academy Villa Massimo worthily hosted

Swiss Read Aloud Day
Almost 8,000 readers participated in this year’s ‘Swiss Read Aloud Day’! Countless children, young people and adults experienced stories together at various locations in Switzerland…

Field trip to ‘Selvotta Park
The two primary school classes took a field trip to the ‘Parco della Selvotta’. There, the children were able to experience direct contact with farm

Community Project Week
In the week of 13-17 May, the entire school building of Villa Malpighi implemented the project week on the theme of ‘Community’ (primary school) and

Young and old love to join forces!
Yesterday, a very special sports lesson took place: pupils from primary school class 4 B met up with the children from Vorkindergarten B in the

Field trip to the Giokificio
On Monday 6 May, classes 4A and 4C from the pre-school went on a school trip to the Giokificio adventure park. In addition to climbing,

Healthy Nutrition
As part of the topic “Healthy eating”, a mum gave us a very special lesson today. We first learnt what we should eat to keep

State Council President Stefan Kölliker from St. Gallen visits the SSR
On Thursday, 11 April 2024, the President of the Council of our patronage canton St. Gallen, Stefan Kölliker, visited us as part of his farewell

Exhibition Ukiyoe
In the art course, the 2nd grade pupils will intensively study Japanese art and learn the techniques of calligraphy, ink painting and watercolour. Oriental art

Cultural exchange
Last week, the second high school class of the Swiss School of Rome held its traditional class exchange in Heerbrugg with the most modern high

Fiesch 2024
Once again this year, the traditional SRG SSR ski camp saw 60 middle school and high school students descend the magnificent slopes of Fiesch. Apart

A journey through Europe
To conclude the ‘Europe’ theme covered in the ‘Nature, Human Being and Society’ (NMG) lessons, the two primary school fourth classes took part in a

Music project
During the project week, pupils from the middle school participated in an interesting music workshop during which they all had the opportunity to experience recording

Presentation of the 2024 high school papers (Maturaarbeiten)
Again this year, the fifth year high school seniors gave oral presentations of their recently submitted written research papers, and demonstrated their acquired skills in

SUN 2024
After intensive preparation by SRG SSR pupils together with partners from the French school Lycée Chateaubriand and a large number of speeches to be delivered,

Like every year, the Swiss School celebrated carnival. Young and old enjoyed the traditional parade in the garden of Villa Malpighi where they could show

Interview in the Gazzetta Svizzera 12/2023 with Dario Toussan about SSRoma
The Swiss Dario Toussan grew up in Italy, specifically in Rome, where he attended the Swiss School. After graduating from high school he decided to

Study Information Day Swiss School Rome | 22/12/2023
“If you don’t know which path you want to take, talk to people who have more information than you.” With these words, Prorektor Oliver Gywat

The Key to the Joy of Christmas
Since the beginning of the school year, the two fourth classes of the primary school have been preparing for the Christmas play ‘The Key to

La posta della gentilezza
This year, during the SSR Advent market, children wrote letters to unknown people and sent their best wishes. The letters were posted in our special

Advent Market
On 1st December, the traditional Advent Market was held at Villa Malpighi. It was nice to see, through the various activities proposed, the commitment and

In memory of Enkelet (Ledi) Gjoka
On 24 November 2023, we received the sad news that Enkelet (Ledi) Gjoka, who worked for us as an IT technician for six years, passed

Cosmo di Luci
At the end of November, the children from KG group 4B went to the Korean Cultural Institute to visit the ‘Cosmos of Lights’ exhibition. There,

Die Patenkinder
Once again this year, the teachers of Classes 1A/B and 5A/B organised meetings between the girls and boys, whereby the older pupils look after the

Parade of lanterns
Once again this year, we celebrated the lantern festival with the kindergarten pupils. First, we carved turnips with the parents. The next day, the children

Cattle drive – Alpine descent – Alpine departure
Switzerland – Austria – Germany are connected by the Alps and therefore have many common traditions. At the Swiss School of Rome, we always want

Austria at school and reception at the Austrian Cultural Institute
It is already a small tradition that the students of the Swiss School of Rome with Austrian roots are invited to a small reception at

An unforgettable experience in the forest
Observing and marvelling at what we learnt in class directly in nature: this was the aim of the excursion of the two primary school classes

Visit to the Fao
This Thursday the two fifth classes were fortunate enough to be invited to the YUNGA assembly that takes place annually at the FAO. The idea behind this

Sports day October 10 classes 4-5 PS
On October 10, a sports day dedicated to the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school took place at the Pine Park Sports Center. The

Sports Day
The field trip to the Merla Park in Poli was a unique and beautiful experience for all the pupils of primary classes 1, 2 and

Excursion to Monte Catillo
Pupils from the first classes of the middle school travelled by train in splendid weather to Tivoli, where the pupils tackled the ascent to the

Sommerfest 2023
At the end-of-year party, SRG SSR said goodbye to long-time teachers Regula Zürcher, Nina Kolb and Desirée Metzler. Once again, a heartfelt thank you for

Excursion to the Botanical Garden – Butterfly House
Classes 3 a and 3 b of the primary school went on a field trip to the Botanical Garden to discover butterflies and plants. On

Aufenthalt in Rom
Hallo! Ich bin Christina und besuche hier in Rom ein Semester lang die Schweizer Schule. Ich komme aus dem Kanton St. Gallen und gehe dort

Ostia Antica
Together with guests from the Kantonsschule Heerbrugg, the 2nd High School visited Ostia Antica. To recreate the experience of the ancient Romans in the baths,

Theatre – Love between science and madness
On Friday 16 June 2023, pupils of the first high school performed scenes from the works of Swiss authors Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Max Frisch. The

Matura art exam
After an intensive art year, the students were able to exhibit their works, created for the Matura art exam. Each artist developed his or her

International Day of Class 4 A PS
The pupils of class 4A held an ‘International Day’, according to the proposal of a fellow pupil, which was widely accepted by all, in which

Sports Day 1. 2. PS
Last Thursday, the primary school classes in the first cycle dedicated themselves to sport. The whole day was dedicated to running, jumping and playing. On

Villa Medici
Last Friday the students of the 3rd and 4th liceo visited Villa Medici and The Keats Shelley House. At Villa Medici, guided by the expert

Climate Zone Project
As part of their geography lessons, seventh grade pupils intensively studied the different climate zones and their landscape types. They also reflected on how these

Last day of school third middle school
The eighth grade classes A and B are celebrating their last day of school. We would like to thank the incomparable team of teachers at

Workshop des Österreichischen Kulturforums 1 Liceo
Pupils from the first high school of the Swiss School in Rome and the Germanic School took part in a workshop of the Austrian Cultural

Yoga Course
The children’s yoga course at the Swiss School ended last week. Through the extracurricular course meetings, the children were able to learn the different yoga

One hour of physical activity in Kindergarten – class 4A
Every Tuesday we have our sports class from 14.00 to 15.00. The children love exercise and participate enthusiastically, always full of energy and enthusiasm. In

Meeting with Lucio Caracciolo
On Tuesday 6 June 2023, Lucio Caracciolo spoke in the Geopolitics Gymnasium about ‘New Spaces of Conquest, Oceans and Outer Space’. High school pupils, all

School trip 1 PS A
Last Thursday the primary school class 1 went on a school trip. Together we went to the zoo. Mario was already waiting for us there.

Braiding bread plaits is not so easy! In the course of their German lessons, 3a baked typical Swiss plaits with our new teaching aid “Hoppla”.

Reading Day
The two primary school ‘Patenklassen’ 1b and 5b met on Reading Day to read poems to each other. The poems were also read to the

School newspaper
Some pupils of the fifth grade of the primary school published a school newspaper for all classes. It contains reports, puzzles, cooking recipes, quizzes, comics

Kindergarten project week
Last week everything revolved around the topic of the city. All topics were covered: the park, shopping, traffic and even wild animals in the city.

Visit from Doctors Without Borders
Yesterday, as a part of the 1st liceo project on international and humanitarian organisations and social engagement, the students had a visit from Doctors without

Visit from Lucerne’s Reussbühl Cantonal School
On 25 May 2023, a class from the Reussbühl Cantonal School in Lucerne visited their former class teacher in Rome. Together they played Bingo to

On Friday, 26 May 2023, the baccalaureate ceremony took place at the German Academy Villa Massimo. Congratulations to our graduates! After the words of welcome

Visiting the baby chicks.
Fifth graders in Primary Class B were able to visit the chicks in kindergarten and were thrilled with these delicate creatures.

Debate in view of the federal elections
In view of the federal elections on 22/10/2023, the Circolo Svizzero di Roma and the Swiss Society of Milan organized an evening of information and

Urbino excursion
Our 1st and 3rd grade pupils A and B finally arrived in Urbino, tired from the journey but happy. They finally feel free, in the

Art in a villa steeped in history – Primary school third classes’ visit to the Swiss Institute
The children of the third primary school classes had the great opportunity to visit the temporary exhibition ‘Another Kind of Fur’ by Swiss artist Klodin

Running for a good cause: WWF run for the children of the third primary school class
After the success of the pupils in the fifth grade of the primary school, the children in the third grade also ran hard. On a

Sports Day 2023
On 15 May 2023, the traditional sports day for classes 1 to 4 was held at the Circolo Parco dei Pini. The students competed in

Matura examinations 2023
Today at 8.30 a.m. the written examination for the German Matura begins. Pupils from the middle school have prepared a greeting and a lucky charm

The chicks hatched
The eggs of Natascia Kistler’s hen Picki have been ‘hatched’ in the incubator of the kindergarten. The chicks have finally hatched and the children are

Känguru Mathematics Competition: Medal presentation by the highest office of the Swiss Confederation
Today the President of the Swiss National Council Martin Candinas, State Councillor Andrea Caroni and National Councillor Greta Gysin visited the Swiss School in Rome.

Blood donation at Campus Nomentana
La Scuola Svizzera di Roma, in collaborazione con la Croce Rossa Italiana e con Claudio Tedesco, insegnante di sport e ufficiale della Croce Rossa Italiana,

Adieu – the last day of school for 5 Gymnasium
On their own initiative, pupils of the 5th Gymnasium cooked for the other classes, from 1st to 4th Gymnasium. We thank all the pupils for

Race For the Cure 2023
More than 70,000 runners coloured Rome pink on Sunday for the #Raceforthecure. The Swiss School of Rome had a team for the first time and

Scuola InCanto
This school year, the two second classes of the primary school participated in a music project, ‘Scuola InCanto’, on Mozart’s Magic Flute. This week we

Hiking trip in the Villavallelonga of Media 3b
What an adventure! In ideal weather conditions, class 3b was able to experience a hiking trip in Villavallelonga that the pupils will remember for a

A particular lesson
The second B class of the elementary school was fortunate enough to attend a lesson on the fauna of central Italy given by a pupil’s

Die Klasse 3 Media B grūsst aus den Abruzzen vom Monte Ceraso!
The 3 Middle B class is on a three-day hike in Abruzzo and greets you from Mount Ceraso.

Race for the Cure 7.5.2023
Finally. This year the Swiss School of Rome will also participate in the “Race for the Cure” with its team on 7.5.2023 at Circus Maximus.

March 31, 2023 was an ideal day to implement a WWF run in our school. The two fifth-grade classes in the elementary school were very

Meeting with Lucio Caracciolo
On April 17, Lucio Caracciolo and Marcello Spagnulo gave a lecture on “De nouveaux espaces de conquête, les océans et l’espace extra-atmosphérique” (New spaces of

Easter tradition at the SSR Kindergarten
In keeping with Swiss tradition, the children created beautiful Easter baskets. The ‘Easter bunny’ then hid them in the garden or in the classroom, after

Ostereier Campus Nomentana
So many emotions during Lent! In the weeks leading up to Easter, the Easter Bunny ‘lost’ 10 Easter eggs on the Nomentana Campus. The motivated

SS Roma against FC Consiglio Cantonale
The football team of the St. Gallen Cantonal Council visited Rome and played against the Swiss School of Rome on 1 April. It was a

European Conference 2023
The heads of Swiss schools in Europe gathered in Rome for their annual conference. Barbara Sulzer, administrative director of educationsuisse, was also present. The schools

Street Art outing
Pupils from the middle school and high school went on a field trip to Tor Marancia as part of the Street Art project. They took

Gianni Rodari at Villa Borghese
The two fifth classes of the primary school visited the children’s museum ‘Casina di Raffaello’ during the Italian Culture Week. In the style of the

” …per seguire virtute e conoscenza”…
Dante’s Roman holidays provided the opportunity to plan another trip: the 3 A and 3 B pupils walked the paths of history following Dante Alighieri

Pizza, che passione!
As part of the Italian Culture Week, pizza could not be missing. The little pizza makers had fun preparing and enjoying it.

Trip to the Casina di Raffaello
At the beginning of every great idea there is a blank sheet of paper… As part of the Italian Culture Week, the two fourth classes

“Each instrument is required to be made with experience. Each instrument by itself must be made with the experience from which it was born’ (Leonardo

Father’s Day
The kindergarten invited all fathers for their party. Dads were able to spend an afternoon with their child. Playing with play dough, painting, doing puzzles,

Italian Culture Week
As part of the ‘Italian Culture Week’, a meeting was held in the school gym of Villa Malpighi in which all the first, second and

16 March – Känguru Day
Känguru is an international mathematics competition. It is held on the third Thursday in March in over 90 countries with equal tests for all participants.

Germany – France – Italy – Switzerland
On the initiative of our school, students from the Germanic School in Rome, the Lycée Chateaubriand, the San Leone Magno School and the Swiss School

Appenzell – typically Swiss
Visit to the capital of the canton of the same name with guided tours of the Grand Council Chamber and the local museum.

“Like Harry Potter”
The visit to the library was impressive, a bit “like Harry Potter”, said one pupil after a visit to the World Heritage site of St.

Class exchange Rome – Heerbrugg
Guided tours for two high school classes to the Würth Forum in Rorschach and the high-tech company Leika Geosystems in Heerbrugg.

Class exchange
The 2nd Liceo class is doing a class exchange with the Kantonsschule Heerbrugg. The students were warmly welcomed by their host families, the visit program

Visit of the Vox Choir
On March 9 and 10, 2023, the Vox Choir of Burggraben Cantonal School delighted our students. One teacher commented, “I would like to express my

Review Ski Camp Fiesch 2023
This year’s ski camp was a complete success. The students and the teachers all had a great time, the slopes were well prepared and we

Fiesch Ski Camp – Day 1
After a seven-hour drive, we finally arrived at the Fiesch Sport Resort, where we were able to explore the village and try out the ski

High school graduation term papers presentation
On Thursday, February 23 and Friday, February 24, 2023, the prospective Matura students presented their Matura papers to an interested audience at the Palestra. They

Everything is blue!
The blue day of the third grades A and B On February 23, the 3rd graders saw the world through blue glasses! Everything blue: the

Carnival parade
Huge compliments to the balloonist, chess piece and french fries – the three winning masks at the carnival parade of kindergarten and elementary school at

Intervention of the 3rd high school in the 3rd secondary classes.
Dialogue between classes. Last week, the 3rd high school students gave a short presentation to the 3rd secondary classes about their experiences in Geneva. The

Learn cursive writing
Nel nuovo semestre, alunne e alunni della scuola primaria hanno ripreso il corso extrascolastico di scrittura in corsivo con la signora Daniela Marsili e sono

Carnival preparations Class 1A elementary school
Carnival is just around the corner. With much joy and creativity, Class 1A Primary School made their own carnival masks. Didn’t they turn out great?

Wirtschaftswoche – Gym 4
From Feb. 6-10, 2023, the 4th high school, divided into four groups, played a virtual economics game focused on business content. They presented their results

3 Media – DELF A2
Le 15 février, nos deux classes de 3 Media ont passé les épreuves écrites de l’examen de français du DELF A2 à l’Università Pontificia. L’examen

Surprise visit by Alessandro Cavatorta and Jacopo Schwitter
Alessandro and Jacopo graduated in 2019 and are now studying engineering and computer science at ETH and ZHAW in Zurich, Switzerland. Today they came to

The two partner classes 1 PS B and 5 PS B had great fun making the traditional Swiss recipe for Grittibänze together

Partner class
On Friday afternoon, the children were finally able to meet their partner class again. They spent an exciting afternoon playing together and, by observing the

Theatre project – 1st High School
Pupils from the 1st high school rehearse for the play they will stage at the Basilica Theatre on Friday 16 June 2023.

Project Days 2nd High School
On the occasion of Project Days 2023, the pupils and students of the 2nd Lycée tackled the question of what their lives would be like

Five Milanese sawmills against five Roman sawmills
For three mornings, our eighth-grade pupils participated online in the simulation game “Let’s discover the economy” against eighth-grade pupils from the Swiss School in Milan.

The second day at the SUN
Today the students used their language skills in French, English and German (as well as a few phrases in Italian)

The first day at the SUN
We started with an excellent right to the floor from Argentina – Luis Kränzlein and Maya Pacifici (Lycée Chateaubriand).All is well, and the students are

SUN Preparation
Together with the pupils of the Lycée français Chateaubriand, our third-year students are finalising their preparations to attend the United Nations of Students (SUN) in

Maths Club
Some impressions from the Maths Club, a meeting of children who are passionate about maths.

Chess Tournament
On Tuesday 31 January, at the conclusion of the extracurricular beginners’ chess course, the final tournament took place. We congratulate all the young participants! We

Excursion to Centrale Montemartini
Last Friday, the two fifth classes of the primary school visited the ‘Centrale Montemartini’ museum in the Ostiense district. A German-speaking guide showed the children

Start of joint theatre project with our neighbours from the San Leone Magno school
Maddalena Recino and Ursula Volkmann present the theatre project to the third grade classes of the Swiss School of Rome and San Leone Magno.

Memorial Day
Friday, 27 January marked the International Day of Remembrance to commemorate the many victims of the Holocaust. The 4th and 5th High School also addressed

Let’s make butter Class 3A and B
After the excursion to the Milk Plant, the two third classes of the primary school dedicated themselves to an interclass project. They made butter. Many

Centrale del Latte di Roma
Today classes 3A and 3B of the primary school spent a wonderful and above all eventful day at the ‘Centrale del Latte di Roma’. How

Raclette 10/1/2023
After the conference at the beginning of the year, the Swiss Club invited the entire faculty and staff to a raclette in our gymnasium. Table

The first three-month cycle of the afternoon cartoon course came to an end. The children were able to make their own short film through all

Cats – Teatro Sistina
Die Urenkelin des Gründers der Schweizer Schule Rom, Veruschka B. Wirth, organisierte eine Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung im Theater Sistina. Sie führt damit die Mission ihres kürzlich verstorbenen

Study orientation day at Campus Nomentana 21.12.22
Alumni tell our 4th and 5th graders about their experiences and successes after high school, study possibilities both in Italy and abroad, and access to

Guest pupils
Article by guest pupils Sena and Lorenzo V. from the Pestalozzi School in Lima, Peru. — Sena and Lorenzo Hello! We are Sena and Lorenzo

Student newspaper Campus Nomentana
Please see the latest issue of the Nomentana Campus student newspaper, ‘Il Corriere della Scuola’, published on the occasion of our Christmas market. Il corriere

To the museum!
Not only does Rome have an impressive history… in conjunction with the reading of the children’s classic ‘Stella volante’ (Flying Star), class 4b spent a

4th Liceo Active in Christmas market for Refugees
The 4th liceo didn’t stop their hard work after the Swiss School Christmas market Friday. The class got up early Saturday morning to participate

Christmas Market 2022
On 16 December, the 2022 Christmas Market took place at Villa Malpighi and in the school garden. There was a very good attendance and an

Movie night
On Friday 2 December the 3rd grade B class organized a cinema evening for the two 3rd grade classes and for the high school. After

St.Nikolaus und Schmutzli
Am 6. Dezember besuchten Nikolaus und Schmutzli alle Klassen in der Villa Malpighi und auf dem Campus Nomentana.

Expo Consumatori 4.0 – For Student
On 1 December, the first and third high school students were guests, together with other high school classes in Rome, at the ‘Expo Consumatori 4.0

“Pinocchio, una fantasia”
The two third classes of the primary school started the Advent with a wonderful matinée at ‘Teatro Nazionale’. Pupils from the Dance School of the

Advent Calendar
Advent Calendar Explore the work of our pupils Go to Advent Calendar 2022

Visit to the oil mill
It is the right season to visit an oil mill. The two second classes of the primary school therefore went to the Palmieri oil mill

Playing with Heidi
With a visit from Switzerland by Vera Müller (pre-school teacher and master’s degree in theatre pedagogy), the children interpreted the story of Heidi with elements

Senate visit
Venerdì 18 novembre, le due classi della quinta della scuola primaria si sono recate a Palazzo Madama, sede del Senato dove hanno potuto parlare in

Trip to planetarium
To close and wrap up the topic of Cosmonautics, which we covered in fourth grade Primary A, only a trip to the planetarium in Rome

Am Donnerstag, 17. November 2022, fand der stimmungsvolle Räbelichtlein-Umzug im Garten der Villa Malpighi statt. Die Eltern hatten mit den Lehrerinnen schöne Räben geschnitzt, welche

Räbe schnitzen
Mit grossem Engagement haben die Kindergarteneltern den Nachmittag vor dem Räbeliechtli-Umzug damit verbracht, die Räben zu schnitzen, die die Kinder im Umzug tragen werden!

Corso BLSD e PBLSD per il personale della SSR
Sabato 12 novembre presso la sede di Villa Malpighi alcuni dei nostri insegnanti e collaboratori hanno partecipato al corso BLSD e PBLSD con manovre di

Impressionen der zauberhaften Erzählnacht, die am 11. November in der Villa Malpighi stattgefunden hat. Die Schulgemeinschaft war spürbar, auch Schülerinnen und Schülern von Media und

3rd liceo Visit with Ambassador Wennubst
Here are the reflections of one of the students on this stimulating visit: Today we visited the FAO building and spoke with the Swiss Ambassador

Besuch Schulklasse Graz
Am 7. November 2022 hat das 4. Gymnasium in der Villa Torlonia Schülerinnen und Schüler des Lichtenfels-Gymnasiums empfangen. Nach einem gemeinsamen Picknick präsentierten die Gymnasiasten

“Il nostro ambiente”
“Il nostro ambiente” progetto sull’economia circolare della Scuola Svizzera di Roma con Retake Roma. La Scuola Svizzera di Roma ha dedicato una settimana del programma

Kunstwettbewerb „Die Schweizer Schule wird 75 Jahre alt”
Kunstwettbewerb „Die Schweizer Schule wird 75 Jahre alt” Entdecken Sie die Kunstwerke unserer talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler Zu den Kunstwerken