In order to comply with Italian law and to guarantee access to the Italian school system, at the end of middle school the pupils of the Swiss School of Rome take the final Italian State Exams for middle school (licenza media). In middle school, the students continue the work of the elementary school, learning and studying according to the Swiss curriculum with appropriate teaching materials, guided by Swiss teachers or those trained in this methodological approach. In order to have an adequate preparation for the Italian State Exams, starting from the second and especially in the third year, the pupils also carry out a broader program of Italian, geography, history, art history, mathematics and science in Italian, using Italian texts that were created specifically for State Exam preparation; they are guided in this preparation by Italian teachers. In the third year, all students also take the Goethe Institut's German B2 exam and may choose to take the English B1 and French A2 exams as well. Together with a solid knowledge of mathematics, geometry, science, history and geography, the students are well prepared to continue their studies in high school.