Lions in 1 PS A

This is how our 1a lions were born: hangers, scraps of fabric and wool, cardboard packaging and….a lot of patience and creativity
Play & sing

Pupils explore the world of instruments and musical genres that characterise modern music. At the end of each step, they sing a song from the above repertoire that has been analysed during the lesson.
In memory of Enkelet (Ledi) Gjoka

On 24 November 2023, we received the sad news that Enkelet (Ledi) Gjoka, who worked for us as an IT technician for six years, passed away unexpectedly and under natural circumstances the day before. Ledi was a special person. His gentleness and expertise made him the perfect problem solver, both for teachers and students, also […]

Il viaggio delle seconde classi della scuola media si conclude con una gita al Naturmuseum, un pranzo al giardino botanico, una camminata di 8 km nella campagna di San Gallo fino al lago di Costanza e con una visita al liceo di San Gallo.
Pestalozzi Village

The experience our secondary school pupils are having in St. Gallen is increasingly strengthening their sense of teamwork. Between those who prepare the tables, those who set up the hall and those who cook, everyone learns to contribute to the common life. After visiting St. Gallen’s historic city centre and the old library, the students […]
Visiting the baby chicks.

Fifth graders in Primary Class B were able to visit the chicks in kindergarten and were thrilled with these delicate creatures.
Visit to the oil mill

It is the right season to visit an oil mill. The two second classes of the primary school therefore went to the Palmieri oil mill where the children were able to help not only with the olive harvest, but also with the bottling of the freshly pressed oil. A wonderful experience in nature!
Playing with Heidi

With a visit from Switzerland by Vera Müller (pre-school teacher and master’s degree in theatre pedagogy), the children interpreted the story of Heidi with elements of theatre pedagogy. Emotions were thematised and expressed through the body.
Senate visit

Venerdì 18 novembre, le due classi della quinta della scuola primaria si sono recate a Palazzo Madama, sede del Senato dove hanno potuto parlare in tedesco con il senatore Luigi Spagnolli nella sala della Commissione Affari esteri e Difesa. Le lingue straniere sono particolarmente importanti per il futuro dei giovani, ha affermato il senatore Spagnolli. […]
Trip to planetarium

To close and wrap up the topic of Cosmonautics, which we covered in fourth grade Primary A, only a trip to the planetarium in Rome could have given us even more excitement. The virtual journey there undertaken with the assigned space expert, has, with highly detailed projections and child/child-friendly explanations, delighted young and old alike!