Easter tradition at the SSR Kindergarten
In keeping with Swiss tradition, the children created beautiful Easter baskets. The ‘Easter bunny’ then hid them in the garden or in the classroom, after filling them with eggs and sweets. As every year, the wait for the ‘Osterhase’ and the search for the baskets was great fun! Happy Easter from the children and the […]
Ostereier Campus Nomentana
So many emotions during Lent! In the weeks leading up to Easter, the Easter Bunny ‘lost’ 10 Easter eggs on the Nomentana Campus. The motivated students scoured the entire school and every book to find them. As a thank you, the best researchers received a small surprise from the Easter Bunny.
SS Roma against FC Consiglio Cantonale
The football team of the St. Gallen Cantonal Council visited Rome and played against the Swiss School of Rome on 1 April. It was a fair and mostly balanced match, which the Swiss School won 3:0. Playing for the St. Gallen team were St. Gallen’s Director of Economic Affairs, Cantonal Councillor Beat Tinner, and the […]
European Conference 2023
The heads of Swiss schools in Europe gathered in Rome for their annual conference. Barbara Sulzer, administrative director of educationsuisse, was also present. The schools cultivate common projects, strengthen contacts, culture and cuisine.
Street Art outing
Pupils from the middle school and high school went on a field trip to Tor Marancia as part of the Street Art project. They took part in a guided tour and produced sketches or took photos of the place to record impressions that will help them create their own work of art.
Gianni Rodari at Villa Borghese
The two fifth classes of the primary school visited the children’s museum ‘Casina di Raffaello’ during the Italian Culture Week. In the style of the beloved children’s author Gianni Rodari, they were able to write poems, invent fairy tales, creatively draw their own stories and then read them to each other. What colourful fun! Afterwards, […]
” …per seguire virtute e conoscenza”…
Dante’s Roman holidays provided the opportunity to plan another trip: the 3 A and 3 B pupils walked the paths of history following Dante Alighieri as he explored his Divine Comedy…
Pizza, che passione!
As part of the Italian Culture Week, pizza could not be missing. The little pizza makers had fun preparing and enjoying it.
Trip to the Casina di Raffaello
At the beginning of every great idea there is a blank sheet of paper… As part of the Italian Culture Week, the two fourth classes of the primary school deepened their study of the universal Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci. In this context, a school trip took place to the nearby Villa Borghese where the […]
“Each instrument is required to be made with experience. Each instrument by itself must be made with the experience from which it was born’ (Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519).” The pupils of the fourth grades A-B at the Scuola Svizzera di Roma primary school ‘experiment’ with some of Leonardo’s machines: through observation and drawing, they understand […]