Aufenthalt in Rom
Hallo! Ich bin Christina und besuche hier in Rom ein Semester lang die Schweizer Schule. Ich komme aus dem Kanton St. Gallen und gehe dort zur Kantonsschule am Burggraben. Als ich von der Möglichkeit gehört habe, nach Rom zu kommen, war ich sofort begeistert. Ich war als kleines Kind schon mal in Rom gewesen, konnte […]
Ostia Antica
Together with guests from the Kantonsschule Heerbrugg, the 2nd High School visited Ostia Antica. To recreate the experience of the ancient Romans in the baths, water pistols were used during this impressive and meaningful visit.
Theatre – Love between science and madness
On Friday 16 June 2023, pupils of the first high school performed scenes from the works of Swiss authors Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Max Frisch. The performance took place at the Basilica Theatre.
Matura art exam
After an intensive art year, the students were able to exhibit their works, created for the Matura art exam. Each artist developed his or her own artistic language during the year, which is reflected in the individual results.
International Day of Class 4 A PS
The pupils of class 4A held an ‘International Day’, according to the proposal of a fellow pupil, which was widely accepted by all, in which the girls and boys were able to bring a culinary speciality from/of a country of their family’s origin from home. It was also possible to go far back in the […]
Sports Day 1. 2. PS
Last Thursday, the primary school classes in the first cycle dedicated themselves to sport. The whole day was dedicated to running, jumping and playing. On this sunny day, the children did their best at Villa Torlonia and showed how much they can jump, throw and run. In the afternoon, they continued their activities around the […]
Villa Medici
Last Friday the students of the 3rd and 4th liceo visited Villa Medici and The Keats Shelley House. At Villa Medici, guided by the expert Mme. Rolland, the students were able to listen to the history of the villa as well as admire the beautiful gardens, some special rooms, and a breathtaking view of Rome.After […]
Climate Zone Project
As part of their geography lessons, seventh grade pupils intensively studied the different climate zones and their landscape types. They also reflected on how these affect people’s lifestyles and the impact of climate change on individual zones. To conclude, the students reproduced the main features of a landscape type in a shoebox. They created many […]
Last day of school third middle school
The eighth grade classes A and B are celebrating their last day of school. We would like to thank the incomparable team of teachers at the middle school for their great commitment and wish the students success in the Middle School Certificate exams!
Workshop des Österreichischen Kulturforums 1 Liceo
Pupils from the first high school of the Swiss School in Rome and the Germanic School took part in a workshop of the Austrian Cultural Forum as part of art lessons on the subject of fashion design. They made new clothes from old fabric scraps, created pen holders, lanyards or spectacle cases. Awareness of sustainable […]