Trip to Heerbrugg, 2 high school
A long and exciting first day draws to a close. During a rich
breakfast, prepared together by the students from Rome and Heerbrugg, we were able to recharged our energies to face the day. The beautiful and
recently renovated Kantonsschule Heerbrugg impressed many of
our students. In addition to spacious classrooms, the school also houses aquariums with
exotic fish and terraria with long channels for colonies of
In a chemistry lab
different fragrances were analysed, which were later combined to
create a customised fragrance.
After lunch, we visited
the Heldsberg fortress, a bunker dating back to World War II,
carved into the rock and over a kilometre long.
With beautiful weather, a pleasant walk along the Rheintaler Binnenkanal led us
directly to the bowling alley, where fun and the opportunity to
getting to know each other was the main focus. This last event
of the day perfectly concluded an experience full of emotions and
new discoveries.